Monthly rentals in Vietnam
Tigit does not offer monthly / city rentals; we recommend the company “The Extra Mile.” More information is below.
Monthly rentals are the idea where you live in Vietnam and need a motorbike to commute to work and back. Many companies, both small and large, offer this service.
Tigit specializes in long-distance travel, which involves picking a motorbike up in one location and returning it in another. We also offer services for weekend getaways.
Most “monthly rentals” will have KM caps, or their motorbikes will not be allowed out of the city.
We closed down the Tigit city rental service to avoid confusion in our pricing structure and services. We highly recommend the company “The Extra Mile,” of which Tigit is a part owner. The Extra Mile specializes in “monthly rentals,” or, as Tigit likes to call them, “city rentals.”
Watch this video to learn the difference between a tourism-based company like Tigit and a monthly rental company like The Extra Mile.
Hi, do you have 50cc bikes for rent monthly. I work here and have a work contract and residence. What is the cost please? Thanks, Nick
Sorry it is not a bike we provide
Hi, are you able to rent out electric bikes, such as Vinfast or others? How much would they cost and do you have any available now? Thanks,
Hi we do not rent electric scooters, closest thing is a Honda Blade 110cc